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I had a tooth pulled out. What should I do?

I had a tooth pulled out. What should I do?

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No matter how much information and knowledge is available, many people still lose one or more teeth for various reasons. Besides gingival diseases as the main reason, decays and accidents are also among reasons causing tooth loss. People usually realize the importance of a tooth when they lose it. The reason is that the person actually sees how the chewing, tasting and speaking functions are impaired and experiences significant discomfort and misery.
At this point, patients go to a dentist to seek for the best solution. Tooth loss is treated through various methods:
1. Fabrication of a bridge in place of the lost tooth/teeth.
2. Placement of implants.

Bridge implementation have been practiced for a long time and it is a long term treatment with a good level of dental care. Bridges are still used today for cases where implantation cannot be used; if there are too many decayed neighboring teeth next to the gap area, such teeth are covered and used for support to the bridge.
The greatest concern for patients is to have their healthy adjacent teeth shaved and crowned. Even if there are large restorations in the back and front teeth in the teeth loss area, this would often disturb the patients. However, implementation of a bridge in such an area and covering the teeth with large restorations would be the appropriate treatment solution.
Patients can use their bridges for long years if the bridge conforms with the gingiva and the patients clean the bridge as instructed by their dentists.
Despite this alternative, people would still prefer the treatment which best imitates their own teeth.
And it is: implantation. An implant is an artificial root substituting the actual one. It is applied onto the jawbone and then covered by a porcelain crown. It has a wide implementation area, from one single missing teeth to the entire mouth. Implantation has very positive effects particularly on lives of patients who have lost all of their teeth. To mention about the advantages of implantation: the improved appearance would ensure a good level of aesthetics. It improves the way of speaking. Patients experience difficulty with removable partial dentures since they can move in the mouth.
It ensures a much more comfortable eating and chewing functions and particularly it positively affects self confidence.
The most important criteria for a successful implantation would be to perform the appropriate implantation surgery and maintaining a good level of dental hygiene by the patient. This care criterion is valid for every post-treatment period, including bridge implementations. Implantation is more costly than other treatments. However, the benefits it provides and possibility of life time use in proper conditions should also be considered.
People who have lost their teeth should realize that this is a situation which requires treatment and should promptly go to a dentist. Then, treatment options should be reviewed according to the mouth structure. Budget is doubtlessly a factor for treatment selection, however, it would not be wise or correct to neglect other treatment options if implantation cannot be afforded. Every patient can find a suitable solution with the help of his/her dentist.

09 February 2015
22.152 times viewed


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