Implants have become an indispensable treatment option for dentistry in 21st century, following the research and development programs conducted throughout many years.
The implant crowns shall be identical to your actual tooth, as long as your jawbones would allow so. Most previously insoluble cases would now yield very pleasing results due to use of implants.
It should be kept in mind that implantation requires interdisciplinary work and can yield meaningful results when performed with mutual participation of an oral surgeon and a prosthondontist.
What is an implant?
With the simplest explanation possible, an implant, is a tissue-friendly screw or a fixing plug made of titanium placed into the jawbone. Implants serve as artificial roots, onto which the crowns and bridges are placed.
How long would it take to apply an implant?
Placing of an implant is a surgical procedure. Implants are usually placed within 15 to 30 minutes following the application of local anesthesia .
How many types of implants are available and which is the best?
Today, there are hundreds of implant types and brands produced by national and international firms. An understanding of multidisciplinary working is widely accepted in dentistry for implantation. Here, “multidisciplinary” refers to the placement of the implant itself by an oral surgeon while the substructure, meaning the teeth, are produced and attached by a prosthondontist.
In our opinion, root form implants are the best. In other words, these are hollow fixing plug-like devices placed into the jawbone. Once this device is fixed, a screw and the second part of the implant is introduced into in, over which the tooth shall be placed.
I heard that implants would fall off, would my body reject implantation?
Research studies conducted in 2009 reported 0.3% of fall-off rate for implants with the brand we currently use. There are specific rules for the prosthetics to be attached onto the implants and health and duration of your implants are directly related with these prosthetics. Furthermore, it is well known that implantation in patients with previous or ongoing gingival disease backgrounds before the gingival treatment is completed would be problematic.
Will I suffer any pain during implantation?
You will not feel any pain during implantation, as it is performed with anesthesia just as many other dental procedures. It is possible that you may have some pain after the implantation, however, pain relievers we would prescribe would eliminate this in very short time, and after 2-3 days you would be feeling no pain at all.
I had the implantation procedure, when will the prosthetics be attached?
Prosthesis may be attached onto your implants 2-3 months after the implant operation. This period can decrease for younger patients and could reach up to 4 months for elder ones. There are certain rules to abide by for these prosthesis as previously mentioned above.
Are implants expensive?
Implants are indeed slightly more expensive than other dental treatments, however, they provide great advantage, convenience for use and comfort for patients. Following the surgical placement of implants onto your jawbone, a fixed prosthesis or a removable prosthesis or a combination of these two will be implemented.